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Get higher SQ 

Two organizations promoting higher social skills:


1. Case Western Reserve University 

A series of longitudinal studies underway at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case have shown that people can change on the complex set of competencies that distinguish outstanding performers in management and professions. 













Competencies of Different Groups of MBA Graduates

Up to two years after going through the change process--compared to when they first entered the course-- they showed 47% improvement on self-awareness competencies like self-confidence and on self-management competencies such as the drive to achieve and adaptability. When it came to social awareness and relationship management skills, improvements were even greater: 75% on competencies such as empathy and team leadership.


SQ developer Sloan notes that self-report measures are not as accurate as peer ratings, as in his SQ quizzes.



2. Emotional Intelligence Consortium (

"Dedicated to research on emotions and emotional intelligence in the workplace, this site provides free information...(From a recent example of the latest research findings)... Emotion recognition was assessed with a self-report measure....Results revealed a relationship between emotion recognition ability and annual income"


Read and follow "10 Ways to Improve Your People Skills"

1. Speak Clearly  2. Have Something To Say  

3. Understand People  4. Influence Your Peers  

5. Fix Problems  6. Always Keep Your Cool

7. Don't Be Afraid To Change  8. There's No "I" In Team

9. Be On The Ball  10. Have A Plan When Talking



















Some organizations do social skills training.

Those who do Social Quotient 

quizzes before and after their

training could verify with hard

numbers the effectiveness of 

their services.

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