Questions to: social.quotient.inf@gmail.com
or phone: Abraham Bermejo (805) 892-6327 or Rosemarie Mattke (877) 222-7520

Harvard University admissions: "One can appreciate the appeal of a numerical scoring system such as you describe for the 'Social Quotient'"

University of Pennsylvania admissions: "We are very interested in the subject of measuring one's Social Quotient, and would respectfully request that more information be sent to us."
Above is our SQ weekly ad in the HSCM Newsletter. It goes to 60,000 school counselors in all 50 USA states. Click on these blue links to reach:
Impress top colleges
Recommendations from your counselor and teacher are key. They can give you a boost that sets you above other applicants. You can increase the power of your recommendations with proof of your interpersonal skills (SQ). Unlike grades or aptitude test scores, your counselor has the option of including only favorable SQ report scores.
When you ask a teacher to send a college recommendation letter, also ask that teacher to hold a Social Quotient survey during a class period. Over half the class will get a positive result. The teacher will be encouraged to include the favorable SQ results with recommendation letters.
What is Social Quotient or SQ ? Like IQ, SQ is a number that measures an important human skill. IQ is a measure of intelligence, while SQ measures how well a person gets along with others. Both are calculated from tests. For brainpower colleges use SAT or ACT tests. Sociability can now be measured by a classroom quiz. College admissions officers like that SQ numbers can be easily compared, as with SAT scores. (Note the comment from Harvard above.)
Impress-top-colleges (this page) lists key SQ web pages:
SQ-reports made from classmate marks. Free to schools and students.
Counselors get a more detailed report: http://social-quotient.info/socialquotient/setup/results/first/59323931626e4e6c62473979/45860ed8e81a34d5260f3e244baa6d00
Report of a low SQ scoring student (needs counseling) http://social-quotient.info/socialquotient/setup/results/first/59323931626e4e6c62473979/8f8cab5adf9f825b4a0efb8653c2bc0c
Comments on Social Quotient from students, college admissions, employers, a parent
Get-that-job Traits employers seek in job applicants, from the bottom line of a trait list sought by 21 companies in Vallejo, California
Student comments on SQ importance in getting a job
Example:"Your presentation and surveys have truly opened my eyes to see many new things. Rarely have I thought that social quotient or SQ would effect my job placement and salary. I greatly appreciate the work and preparation it took you to come up with a test that was so simple and easy to take, yet have such a big impact on our futures." Girl getting 122 SQ
Other comments from students after taking the Social Quotient survey
The mystery of how others see us
Judging Others and First Impressions
Colleges, Careers, Inspiration, Self-Esteem
Leading Educators comment on SQ Red: Psychology professors Green: Admissions Also click for recent admissions comments on SQ by UCLA, Princeton, UC Santa Barbara
Outline of other major Social Quotient web pages:
www.Social-Quotient.info is the main entrance to the SQ website, with 3 red buttons:
1st button: Impress top colleges (with a student's SQ report attached to a recommendation letter)
2nd button: Teacher setup section for free 20 minute classroom Social Quotient quiz
3rd button: Newspaper article on SQ in a class, Data correlation of student traits to SQ scores Important benefit: Unlike SAT tests, NO CORRELATION of skin color to SQ scores
AV Sloan: Princeton Univ. BSE, Stanford Univ. MBA
® "Social Quotient" is a protected trademark by the US Patent Office in 2000,
registered to Albert V. "Van" Sloan, developer of this website
United States Trademark Number: 2,386,125