Questions to: social.quotient.inf@gmail.com
or phone: Abraham Bermejo (805) 892-6327 or Rosemarie Mattke (877) 222-7520
SQ report (with data from an actual student in CA)
Using SQ results in job applications
"I must tell you that several students used the SQ when they went for job interviews & it made a great impression (in a few cases, it may have been the deciding factor in getting the job)."
Yafa E. Berger, Coordinator of School-To-Work Program, Bedford-Stuyvesant Outreach High School Program, Brooklyn, New York
Social Quotient® report
For: Joe Student Group: Hogan High School, Vallejo CA Zip code 94591
Your group of 30 gave you a SQ rating of 116 or "Very Good" on 10 January 2016
Your SQ rating is above 88% of others in your group
Your group rated each other in answer to this question:
"Imagine that all of your classmates are sales clerks in the same store.
Whom would you want to help you complete a purchase?"
Your peers marked you: 10 A's Your male peers gave you
5 B's an average SQ of 113
10 average or Don't Know
3 C's Your female peers gave you
1 D an average SQ of 119
SQ ratings, like IQ scores, are based on 100 being average:
scores of 130's + = Absolutely superb SQ scores in this class/ group of
120's = Excellent 30 students ranged from 74 to 126,
110's = Very Good and their average SQ was 100.
100's = Slightly above average
90's = Slightly below average
below 90 = Below average
​Using SQ reports (of average or above scores)
by Students
- post on Facebook and other social media
- send to friends in other classes or schools
- ask your counselor and teacher to send SQ with college recommendations
- make copies to leave with employers in applying for jobs
by Colleges
- rely on authorized SQ forms sent with a recommendation letter
- on average, girls score 7 points higher than boys on SQ
- unlike ACT/ SAT tests, racial minorities score the same on SQ as Whites
- see data of 2500+ students at:
by Employers
- check with school counseling office to verify accuracy of student SQ copies
- what 31 Vallejo CA firms say on SQ at:
Note to students:
Read what Harvard and Penn admissions say about SQ reports - at https://vansloan.wixsite.com/social-quotient/impress-top-colleges
Click to see what students and others say about SQ reports.
See more student comments on their SQ scores.
If your SQ score is 90 or above, use it in job interviews or