Questions to: social.quotient.inf@gmail.com
or phone: Abraham Bermejo (805) 892-6327 or Rosemarie Mattke (877) 222-7520
Get that Job
Use SQ results in job applications
"I must tell you that several students used the SQ when they went for job interviews & it made a great impression (in a few cases, it may have been the deciding factor in getting the job)."
quote by Yafa E. Berger, Coordinator of School-To-Work Program, Bedford-Stuyvesant Outreach High School Program, Brooklyn, New York
This teacher also had several of her classes read/ comment on the ECONOMICS text written by Van Sloan (who also created the Social Quotient system). Her classes particularly liked the popular "Oreo" chapter.
This Social Quotient website has that chapter and other parts of the Economics text. Click the previous underlined link to the book or by clicking on the 5th red button on the first page of this website (on History and Economics).

photo of Six Flags in Vallejo - a firm that hires 1000+ students every summer
Six Flags emphasizes the importance of employees having good social skills – in both their hiring and training. The firm teaches workers to be upbeat and happy on-the-job by giving them pointers. Friendly and positive employees encourage visitors to return to the theme park.

Traits employers seek in job applicants,
from the bottom line of a trait list sought by 21 companies in Vallejo, California
3.00 Punctuality
3.00 Honesty
2.80 Smile
2.71 Personable
2.67 Appearance
2.62 Verbal skills
2.60 Eye contact
2.57 Outgoing
2.57 Self-motivated
2.50 Availability
2.30 Handshake
1.79 Grade Point
1.38 Experience
where: 3 = large importance, 2 = medium importance,
1 = small importance
Note the above importance of social skills: smile, personable, appearance, eye contact, outgoing, handshake....these would be indicated in an SQ score.

Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to Succeed
read Time's featured article at
Time Magazine of November 14, 2005 had a cover story on Ambition. That cover promised "A surprising look at what separates life's go getters from its also rans."
Competitiveness studies, showing that men score much higher in this than women
What one is ambitious about was seen as key (the same insight Sloan used in developing his JOBS survey related to Ambition)
Click for more information on SQ and jobs:
Detail on Vallejo CA firms and ratings given by their managers at left - click on
Career Benefits of Good People Skills - click on:
This link is a Jan 8 2018 email from​
Vanessa Van Edwards. She is the national bestselling author of Captivate and founder of Science of People. Vanessa has mentioned findings from Sloan's Social Quotient in her Captivate book