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Thoughts on Income for SQ Reports


The SQ smart phone project is planned to be a non-profit organization, but it will need a source of regular income. Many educational non-profits, like Khan Academy, rely largely on donations.  Students, and particularly those using Internet services, are conditioned to get information and web results for free.  They reluctantly pay for college admissions tests like the SAT and ACT, but only because they have no alternative if they want to get admitted to most colleges.   


In looking for work, students and most job seekers are also used to having free information on local employment openings, both on the Internet and in publications. Employers pay for the job listings, and in many cases for the ability to scan the resumes of potential applicants.   The SQ Quiz system, which generates useful, non-academic information on potential job applicants, will have to follow the tradition of free information and services for job seekers.


Employers of high school students have shown great interest in getting information about the social skills of their job applicants.  They want to hire students much more for their social skills rather than for school grades.  (See the survey of  twenty-one employers in Vallejo CA - at  


Employers know that in job interviews, an applicant can project a temporary appealing image that can be quite different from that person's normal social behavior.  Even if a company uses a psychological test in their hiring process, applicants tend to guess the desired (rather than their true) answers.   


Only the SQ Quiz's unique approach of marks made by one's peers gives an unbiased evaluation of a person's social skills.  In judging a job applicant, employers do not have access to that applicant's peers who know that person on a regular basis.  Employers are willing to pay a reasonable amount for access to a certified copy of an applicant's SQ Quiz results.   




Persons who have received an average or better Social Quotient score are encouraged to present that information in job interviews. They are more likely to be hired. And 28% of employers even say they would offer higher starting pay to applicants scoring in the top 10-25% of SQ scores!


In a job interview, applicants can show and explain their SQ score on their smart phones. As verification, they would simply enter the email address of their interviewer, and a certified copy of their Social Quotient report would be sent quickly to that address from the SQ website.  


Later, the SQ site would send another email to the employer, asking for feedback on the Social Quotient report system.  It would explain that there are costs to maintain the SQ system and ask for a small payment amount for each job applicant who presented their SQ report score.  If the employer does not pay the requested amount within a certain time, that employer will not be allowed to receive future certified SQ reports. 


In the case of student job applicants, part of the SQ payment fees will go to the local school that held the Social Quotient peer rating exercise.  Schools and students will be told about employers who do not pay their billed SQ fees. 




High School seniors applying to competitive colleges are encouraged to include a copy of their Social Quotient report, with their admissions application - if their SQ score is average or above. At this time, there is no fee involved for this.


The admissions offices of some leading universities welcome SQ scores as a measure of talent outside of IQ related scores like Grade Point Averages and SAT or ACT test scores. If those admissions offices request certification of a SQ Report, there likely will be a charge for such certification. It is unlikely that colleges will pay a SQ report fee. As with ACT and SAT tests, the student will be asked to pay for SQ certification.


Marketing of SQ quizzes





Almost all SQ quiz participants will have entered their email address into the SQ computer system.  When they are asked by the system to verify their email address, they should also be asked to provide their Facebook name and to send a copy of their face photo into the SQ system. They should be warned that without a face photo, some members of their group might not recognize their name or confuse them with another individual - leading to inaccurate SQ results about them.


A major way of getting new customers for SQ quizzes should be through students who have received above average SQ scores.   The SQ system should send regular emails to them, encouraging them to tell their friends and contacts about the usefulness of SQ reports - from getting jobs and college admissions applications to simply bragging about their above average SQ ratings. Their friends in other schools and cities should be encouraged to click on to read about SQ and to urge a teacher or leader to set up a free SQ quiz for their group.


Most SQ participants will have a personal site on Facebook and/or other social media sites.  They should be encouraged to make a post about their SQ quiz experience, including the WIX address above, and send a copy of their post to the SQ system.  Alternatively, they could give their permission for the SQ system to make a post on their Facebook page for them (from a sample format emailed to them).   That automatic format would not show their actual SQ score, but give their Above Average to Absolutely Superb SQ rating.




When SQ quiz participants go to a job interview, they are encouraged to take their smart phone with them - if they scored in any category above the Below Average SQ rating.   During the interview, they can confidently tell the company representative they can prove that their social skills for the job are OK  or above. Then they can show the interviewer their SQ report on their smart phone.  Even better, they can have a certified email from the SQ system sent to the interviewer within a few minutes of typing the interviewer's email address on their smart phone.  That official SQ Report on the individual will be accompanied by a newspaper report on a typical classroom SQ process (at . The SQ quiz participant can describe how the SQ quiz process is much more accurate than a temporary act that a job applicant can make in a job interview.  In comparison their SQ rating comes from 20 - 40 people who have known the applicant (often daily)  for several months or more.


In addition to the job applicant's SQ Report and newspaper article, the SQ system can also email to the interviewer the results of a survey of 31 employers in a San Francisco suburb (at ).   That page has links to (1)  a chart of the local managers interviewed and their  familiar brand name businesses; and  (2) their ranking of important traits those managers look for in job applicants (mostly social skills that are covered by the Social Quotient rating system).


Because the SQ system will gather the email addresses of job interviewers/ managers of local brand name businesses, it can periodically survey them for their opinions of the usefulness of SQ Reports in their hiring decisions.  Most firms will likely regularly pay the nominal fee that the SQ system charges for certifying the SQ Reports that applicants show them.  Because a portion of the employer paid fees will go to the local high school that holds the SQ quiz meetings, employers will want to keep good relations with their local school.  It supplies job applicants for their firms.  The SQ system can also send information about manager's survey comments to similar McDonald's, Holiday Inns, etc. in other parts of the US - and eventually around the world.





The SQ organization has a policy and practice of following the wishes of each person tested in disclosing individual Social-Quotient scores. For example, teachers and group leaders are not given individual results. Researchers may deal only with group results, such as by zip code or in analyzing those with similar traits.


Individuals getting a SQ score higher than the Below Average rating may ask the SQ system to verify their SQ Report. The system will send an email to the requested employer or college admissions office. There may be a fee for this extra service. The employer or college may ask an individual to comment on their SQ testing process.




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