Questions to: social.quotient.inf@gmail.com
or phone: Abraham Bermejo (805) 892-6327 or Rosemarie Mattke (877) 222-7520
Students comment on: Other SQ topics
Use in college admissions
"I hope that your program extends beyond California. Perhaps it will be as important as the Intelligence Quotient and will become a mean[s] for enrollment is college as well as employment in jobs."
Boy getting 128 SQ
SQ feedback and Ambition survey
"I like the fact that we will get to see what people think of us. I know that the results will come as constructive criticism, not negative. I also liked the career survey, which helped me see what kind of other jobs were out in the world. It helped me focus on my career that I would like to pursue. This survey also helped me focus on my goals. It also made me think about a second career that I might enjoy."
Boy getting 110 SQ
On connecting with teens
"Hello Mr. Sloan well I really enjoyed having you for a class speaker. You really inspired me to make myself a better person. I can't wait until we get our results for the test we took! I liked the way you talk to teens, because some people think of us as rude obnoxious kids, but I think you understand the way teens think! And I value that."
Girl getting 82 SQ
"The most important thing I learned was that you have to have a good and positive vision of yourself. Without knowing yourself, you won't have that confidence and will think you are below average class."
Girl getting 76 SQ
SQ in Employment
"I give you kudos for developing such a test; it provides for 'fair play' when an individual is being hired. Since social ability overrules academic performance in some jobs, those who do not perform well in school can still find themselves a job through a high Social Quotient."
Boy getting 128 SQ
"Your presentation and surveys have truly opened my eyes to see many new things. Rarely have I thought that social quotient or SQ would effect my job placement and salary. I greatly appreciate the work and preparation it took you to come up with a test that was so simple and easy to take, yet have such a big impact on our futures."
Girl getting 122 SQ
"The most astonishing [thing] about the discussion was when you said that most managers/ interviewers don't look at you GPA, but at the way you present yourself. I am recently employed at Round Table Pizza, and I always thought they hired me because of my high GPA score of 3.9, not because I walked in there smiling, looking at them straight in the eye."
Girl getting 107 SQ
"Another thing that I thought was particularly important was the fact that I never knew that some careers mainly require social skills, not just intellectual skills. I did know about some, but not as much as you pointed out. I was thinking of getting a career that paid a lot, but now I'm reconsidering that thought. Now I'm thinking of one which I know I'll be happy doing. From what I've learned, I guess now I'll be more of a people person."
Boy getting 93 SQ