Questions to: social.quotient.inf@gmail.com
or phone: Abraham Bermejo (805) 892-6327 or Rosemarie Mattke (877) 222-7520
Help your students with the new CA admissions
Dear Counselor Gonzalez,
We at Social Quotient.info would like to invite you and your students at East Bakersfield High School to participate in a free, well-received psychological program. It starts with a 20-minute classroom quiz. Students mark each other, then later receive a written report and score on their overall Social Quotient or SQ. It is a numeric measure of how well they get along with their peers. Over 2500 students in the US have taken the quiz and then received their personal written SQ Report and score. Recently the process has been automated, using smartphones.
Admissions offices at four-year colleges are quite interested in getting a copy of an applicant's SQ report, as a backup to letters of recommendation. This is especially true for the 9 University of California campuses. At https://vansloan.wixsite.com/social-quotient/impress-top-colleges you can read how Harvard's admissions director values the numerical comparability of SQ scores. Penn, Princeton, UC Santa Barbara, and others agree. Lower on that web page, there are links to several related pages: a sample SQ report, many comments from participating students and leading psychology professors, plus a ranking by employers on what they look for in job applicants.
Soon, one of us will be contacting you to answer any questions you may have. We can help you get set up for the online class SQ quiz. You should know that the students would have full control of the distribution/privacy of their results. Unlike SAT-type tests, we recommend that only SQ reports with average or above scores be sent out. Your students can learn much from the Social Quotient process. In addition to learning what their peers REALLY think of them (on average), your students will be participating in a live psychology research program. At http://www.social-quotient.info/sq.4mg.com/traits_2437.htm they can read a newspaper article on a live SQ quiz - plus a correlation of personal traits to SQ Report scores. Many have commented favorably that student skin color has virtually NO correlation to one's SQ score. This is definitely not true of IQ-type tests.
We welcome your comments and invite your participation in the SQ program,
Van Sloan and the staff at www.Social-Quotient.info
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Abraham Mes
(805) 892-6327