Questions to: social.quotient.inf@gmail.com
or phone: Abraham Bermejo (805) 892-6327 or Rosemarie Mattke (877) 222-7520
Email to a Head Counselor in California
Dear __________________________________
You may have heard about us—we are Social Quotient. You will see our ad in the weekly newsletter that all counselors in the USA receive. You can find out more about us by clicking on the ad or by visiting us at www.Social-Quotient.info. Our SQ quiz is free to administer and to take.
Social Quotient offers proven, non-racist student ratings that are useful in college admissions and in hiring.
The 9 campuses of the University of California campuses will no longer consider SAT and ACT scores in admissions, starting this fall. The change is the result of a legal settlement of a lawsuit brought by groups that claimed that the traditional SAT and ACT tests are racist. Also, the 9 campuses (which enroll some 225,000 undergraduate students) will no longer use those test results in awarding scholarships. With this recent change in place, Social Quotient could be a help to you and to your students.
Our SQ quiz could be administered in the classroom setting. In the past, English teachers and school counselors would administer the quiz together for a 30-minute window of time. At the end of taking the quiz, the counselor informed the students that he/she can help them with non-academic matters and college admissions too. The same process may work for you and a colleague as well.
My name is Rosemarie Mattke and my number is 877.222.7520. My email is mattkeemployment@yahoo.com. Please contact me if you have any questions about Social Quotient. We sincerely hope you will invite us into your high school.